
Commit to the Stronger Standard: CHS 2024

Over 4,000 individuals in more than 90 countries have contributed to the new Core Humanitarian Standards to adapt to evolving risks and complex humanitarian situation, while upholding the rights and dignity of people affected by crisis and ensuring principled and accountable interventions. Download the PDF copy of the CHS 2024 Edition through this link.

The Nine Commitments:
People and communities in situations of crisis and vulnerability…

1. Can exercise their rights and participate in actions and decisions that affect them.
2. Access timely and effective support in accordance with their specific needs and priorities.
3. Are better prepared and more resilient to potential crises.
4. Access support that does not cause harm to people or the environment.
5. Can safely report concerns and complaints and get them addressed.
6. Access coordinated and complementary support.
7. Access support that is continually adapted and improved based on feedback and learning.
8. Interact with staff and volunteers that are respectful, competent and well-managed.
9. Can expect that resources are managed ethically and responsibly.

Image description: New blue CHS flower, surrounding the words "People Affected by Crisis" by the 9 commitments: 1. Can exercise rights and participate in decisions 2. Access timely and effective support 3. Are better prepared and more resilient 4. Access support that does harm people or environment 5. Can safely report concerns and complaints. 6. Access coordinated and complementary support. 7. Access support adapted based on feedback. 8. Interact with respectful, competent, and well-managed staff 9. Can expect ethical and responsible management of resources
